If we were ever tempted to hope that hard-line Scots nationalists were moderates, this is a salutary read. Their Rx for Britain today-
1. Bring the Railways back into public ownership
2. Shift investment from nuclear to renewable energy
3. Commit to halt fracking in the UK
4. Bring the energy companies back into public ownership
5. Create a Living Wage and a programme to abolish food banks
6. Abolish the House of Lords and adopt proportional representation
7. Commit to public investment to end austerity economics
8. Welcome refugees and immigrants as an economic and social asset
9. Agree votes for 16/17 year-olds
10. Cancel Trident (nuclear submarines)
11. Publish the Chilcott Inquiry, and do not enter into illegal wars
12. No tuition fees in education
From Bella Caledonia blog
A 'Smash Britannia' agenda from the Loony Left, with CND and Communist rhetoric and with a serving of Green, all masquerading as a nationalist protocol.
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